
Showing posts from November, 2021

Lofi Zac-Hop?!?!?

  Hello Once Again, I have been diligently plugging away for this project the last couple days for you guys and have created something I’m very proud of. So without further ado… My most recent character… *drum roll* you already know from the title… Lo-fi Zac!!! As I wrote about in my last blog post I wanted to create Zac an avatar for his lofi hip-hop music (which is his 20-time project) and the classic lofi hip-hop avatar is the stream on youtube with the anime girl studying by a window. Zac has a great post on his blog   about this stream and generally about lofi hip-hop. Last week I asked Zac what he thought about a lofi girl version of himself and he loved the idea. I first got to work with just a reference image of the lofi hip-hop girl and looking over at Zac every once in a while. I went with the same pose that the lofi girl is in with the hand under the chin and a hand working at some kind of homework. I decided to have Zac in this same pose with the room behind him h...

Korzaz, Destroyer of Armstrong

Hello Again, As I’m sure you have already heard, I have changed my 20-time project to *drum roll* Character Design! I have decided to do something similar to the second idea I had in the 'What This Blog is About (Part 2)' ’ post where I would learn new styles of drawing characters and then create some of my own characters.  I’ve mostly been designing characters in my own style for now, like this war hammer orc who has killed Neil Armstrong and took his spacesuit on the moon. I got the idea for this character after John told me about his project, painting Warhammer miniatures. He talked about this one set of orcs he created with his friends and referred to them as ‘space orcs’ and that just gave me an instant vision of what I needed to draw. I started by looking up pictures of Warhammer orks   and trying to nail down their key features that I would need to include with the drawing. I found that the big teeth and the snarling expression were definitely something I needed to in...