What Is This Blog About (part 2)
Hello Again, I gotta say I’m struggling to care about this project. I chose something that I thought would align with my interests but I haven’t been able to find reasons to sit down to research and keep this project moving forward. So I wanted to ask you something, what I should do? Should I keep moving and try to create something for my residential Toronto housing project or should I jump ship and try something new? Before you decide, I wanted to run through some of the other ideas I thought of while thinking of a new project. The first idea that I’ve looked a little bit into is the animation process, specifically Anime. I would look into the process that popular Anime studios use to create their show and create either a slide show presentation on the process an Anime show goes through and/or an animation with my own characters. The animation idea would be very fun but very difficult to pull off. I mean just look at the kind of fight scenes these shows feature. I could d...