What Is This Blog About (part 2)
Hello Again,
I gotta say I’m struggling to care about this project. I chose something that I thought would align with my interests but I haven’t been able to find reasons to sit down to research and keep this project moving forward.
So I wanted to ask you something, what I should do? Should I keep moving and try to create something for my residential Toronto housing project or should I jump ship and try something new? Before you decide, I wanted to run through some of the other ideas I thought of while thinking of a new project.
The first idea that I’ve looked a little bit into is the animation process, specifically Anime. I would look into the process that popular Anime studios use to create their show and create either a slide show presentation on the process an Anime show goes through and/or an animation with my own characters. The animation idea would be very fun but very difficult to pull off. I mean just look at the kind of fight scenes these shows feature. I could do something different though, a more basic idea of an “anime” of my own would be to do the My Hero Academia character info that they put before commercial breaks with my own characters. I think this would keep me more engaged with the project because I would be learning more about this genre of animation that I enjoy, and I would be learning a new skill of animation (maybe). When I was first brainstorming I put down digital art as something I might be interested in so this would fit into that too.
A second idea (also related to Anime) would be to research how they draw characters and improve my own skills so that I could create my own characters. This is pretty similar to the first idea but I think it fits better into my interests and skill set. I wonder what to do as a final project though… I could create an animation as I talked about before, or maybe create my own tutorial for creating my characters or even creating your own. It could be like videos on the blog with different styles and some tips and tricks for creating Anime characters, something like this: How to Draw Anime Characters. Anime Drawing Tutorials. I don’t know the final product is still a work in progress.
A third and final idea I thought would be kinda cool would be to study the current political climate of hockey and find ways to improve it. I know kinda out of nowhere but I’m pretty passionate about the topic being an avid viewer of the NHL and definitely seeing the problems with representation and racism in the sport. The general idea would be to research the topic and create a final presentation on it. Pretty basic stuff, but the topic is interesting enough to keep it intriguing.
All I know is that the project I originally thought of isn’t working for me and I’ll probably switch even if the comments are a resounding no,
I mean the project is supposed to be something you are passionate about, and If you truly aren't then I think it makes a lot of sense to switch. If you were actually interested and passionate about a project that didn't yield the results you were looking for, then I would say stick with it, as it is still something you care for, but it you believe another idea is more suited for you, then go with it.